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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  September 28, 2012 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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traffic in a moment but we are watching hot weather around the bay. >> we have heavy traffic and heavy fog. there is a live look from our roots can't you cannot see much because we are completely fogged in. temperatures in the upper 40's and the north bay area. sunny skies will prevail but it will take awhile for this cloud cover to disappear. >> we continue to monitor and normal commute here the drive times a san mateo bridge are about 11 minutes. acute click commute check shows an increase in heavy traffic through the east bay. no longer confined to
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interstate 580 and highway 4. still light to moderate condition on the south bay freeway. >> the 12 year-old girl who was struck by an sec while riding her bike home from school and about has now died. will tran is live at the scene this morning >> she was writing, only a mile away from her middle school to her home. you can see this roadside memorial with the flames still burning. people are driving by every morning an to add to ie was going home a little way along for miles around the corner. she was heading westbound and could see the traffic coming at her and the westbound direction. police did not know what caused the driver to slam into her but it appears at
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the driver is fully cooperating. here is video of the accident from around 315 in the afternoon. police did not believe alcohol took a play in it. but did it investigation should take some time and they will come back in a few weeks with the final result. here is her picture her name is haley radcliff she just moved here from mexico. she just wrote on facebook that she did not want to leave her friends behind. people did not know her to much as far as the family but people are still stopping by at the memorial. it has impacted her fellow classmates so much so that an hour and 15 minutes there will be grief counselors at her middle school to speak with the students and teachers. it will be a difficult day for them. >> there is an intersection right in front of where you
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are and i can see some of the sidewalk but was she on the street? >> we do not know but we believe she was on the sidewalk. there is a jogging trail right next to the road. we believe she was in the past there. we do not know she was trying to cross the street when she was hit by the sec but we showed to the video a little earlier but you could see how badly damage the as cv was. the friend and was pretty much caved in. the investigation is ongoing. apparently there are no witnesses. the only would this is the driver and he is cooperating. >> she was driving in the direction of but she was on the other side. she was facing oncoming traffic on the side. >> yes she was on the left
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side of your screen so she was facing traffic as it was coming eastbound. she could see the s tv. what they're not the s u b could see her we do not know. we do not know if he was blinded by the sun or the curve but we know that he could not see. >> the superintendent of the school district posted this statement on the web sites saying counseling is going to be available for students and staff. our how heartfelt thoughts are with the family. >> people still reeling from the news that a middle school teacher had a net and a proper relationship with a former student. and james mott does iq was arrested at his home. parents address their concerns. >> we are reacting with a
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child's best interest at heart. we are reacting as soon as we possibly can. >> i am sick i know every teacher here and i tried to know every family but whatever the outcome is when you hear something like this it just sinks to the bottom of your stomach. >> superintendent stevenson telling the parents that they have been given vague details about whether is in the psyche has been teaching as well as the reasons why. there will be a teacher meeting tonight to help parents discuss the situation with their children. >> the area has been fogged a thousand times to control the virus this season. they're trying to stop the breeding of mosquitos. if you see standing water or if you have a mosquito problem
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contacting them. >> the dow was down 87 points right now. a drop in apple's stock to $4.80 a share. there is an apology for the apple mac application that they are doing everything they can to make it better. >> the time is 7 07 a.m. and we'll be back in a minute. here is a beautiful sight as we're waiting for the sun to warm things up especially for saturday.
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welcome back seven on 9:00 a.m.. court documents are expected to be released in a minute to shed light on what happened to that shooting that happened at a colorado movie theater and are run in july. 12 people were killed and more than 50 were injured. key information from previous documents include confirmation that the shooter james holmes sent a package to the university of colorado psychiatrists containing drawings and descriptions of an attack. the psychiatrist never actually saw the notebook that was mailed. also documents say that homes talk to any other students about killing people when his life was over. they have determined that homes it is mentally ill increasingly the
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likelihood of a an insanity plea. note: >> in the cooley's done locally was in a preliminary hearing on charges that he violated probation. part of his probation says that he is not allowed to use computers are in a device that accesses the internet without permission from his probation officer. there was a big deal that was uploaded to u2 that sparked protests. here's some of the process and indonesia and sudan. >> let's take a look outside and see how the day is starting off in san francisco. you can't see much there is pretty thick fog out there.
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welcome back major flooding in san diego. not from reigned but a huge water main break. floodedsnarled traffic yesterday afternoon. it is need deep in spots. that they had to evacuate a motel in the area. it took more than an hour to turn off the water. >> no water to turn off in the bay area but we are looking at lots of sunshine. the heat really comes out tomorrow right? >> yes it's going to get
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really warm in fact by sunday we are flirting with the triple digits. conditions at the golden gate bridge are pretty dense fog. sfo arriving flights because of the heavy fog that visibility is down to just a little under a mile and santa rosa. same for half moon bay. temperatures we have not seen much movement still mid-40s and nevada 052 degrees in vallejo and antioch. by lunchtime '60s through the heart of the bay. afternoon highs we will see more orange however the red stays out of our forecast. i don't think we will see too much in the ways of '90s. '70s and '80s and the south build
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a up to 90 degrees and livermore. that will be the warmest by this afternoon. antioch fairfield 85 over in concord and 72 in castro valley. a lot of cloud cover and dense fog in the north bay. sunshine will prevail upper '70's into the '80s for richmond and ocean beach. the cal game against a as you tomorrow kick off at 1:00 p.m. temperatures will start off in the low 80s. plenty of sunshine and warm conditions at memorial stadium. not too much in the way of wins. the seven day around the bay forecast shows monday and sunday will be the warmest days of the week. temperatures pretty close to the 100 degree mark. upper '70's for the coast a perfectly acceptable time to head to the beach. a very beach like conditions. we'll continue
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with warm water at weather as we head into the middle of next week. >> we are not tracking any hot spots but we are looking at heavy traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza. the drive time as head of from 16 to 18 minutes. not that bad from highway 24 a better day than others this week. the san mateo bridge is still steady at 11 to 12 minutes. no delays so far this morning for this commute leading into foster city. the golden gate bridge on friday we typically see a little more traffic in the northbound direction and that is the case today. southbound to cut commute there are no delays. let's take a look around the bay still holding about 21 minutes from hercules to berkeley. a little slower and to walk up the creek coming to pleasant hill. was found 581 of the better days
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so far even with the slowing coming into livermore the drive time is about 26 minutes. south bay freeway this loess is at the 1 01 northbound it is about a 23 to 24 minute drive out of coyote valley into santa clara. highway 4 and highway 92 look good. the north bay ride is starting to show some slowing at the 101 southbound but the drive times are still under 33 minutes. >> authorities say a gunman killed four people inside a metal let minneapolis signed making business before turning the weapon on himself. this happened yesterday afternoon for other people were wounded one critically and the one killed was the owner of the sign business. no details on the gunman just yet accept that he was found dead apparently from a self- inflicted gun wound. >> a mass of marijuana bust
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all-out police to go into several back their homes and belleville ave. that is where they found all the pot being hauled out to be processed. police arrested 15 people who were charged with possessing and distributing in cultivating marijuana. the plans way then at about 15,000 lbs.. it could be worth over a million dollars. at the area as a high crime area known for game activity. >> president obama has a lead over mitt romney. wall street journal poll shows this president is seven points ahead over romney in new hampshire. in nevada and north carolina the airline and mr. obama as advantage with 7 points ahead. 48 percent in north carolina. the poll found that 4
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percent were undecided in their vote. 86 percent strongly supported the candidates selected. president obama campaign is sending heavy hitters to battleground states. former president bill clinton will head to new hampshire on wednesday. he will also join the president on the campaign trail sometime next week but we're not sure where yet. the first debate between president obama and it around the is coming up october 3rd airing live on the 247 area bay live news channel. also are digital channel 4.2. >> peace and freedom nominee roseanne barr was in the bay area. she spoke in oakland last night she is running for president as a free peace and freedom can it. there was a packed house at oxford and university. her main point is made
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clear it marijuana legalization. she decided to run for president after hearing of the eea raids on legal marijuana clinics. the drug war is very important and i'm here because this is where obama sent federal troops against states' rights. almost the very same week he said that mary g quality was a state's rights issue. >> she is fed up with the two-party system in america and has chosen sunday she and as her running mate. >> apple down to google maps and is receiving a huge backlash from bugs in the map app. they complained of strange imagery as well as landmarks and towns that are
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missing. there is a lack of public transit directions and directions are sending people in the wrong way. >> the mapped about co- starred it overturned by turn voice guided navigation. google maps on android devices gives users a voice that it command while navigating directions. this is really handy while driving. google maps has always been missing that feature. apple wanted google to add the feature for their users. they would not sell apple dropped them and created their own system. neither will confirm this but more evidence has been leaked on the web. google is working hard reportedly to
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make a new act that apple users will be able to download but we have no word as to when that will happen or if apple will allow it. everyone is complaining about it but you do not have to use it. you can use global maps on your high pot or ipad itouch you just need to hot link to the global web site. on your high device used launch your web browser and go to the actual web site for google maps like you would on a desktop or laptop. in the lower right corner hit the send button and a menu pops up. to add to my home screen and now you have a global maps icon on your home screen that works exactly like the old global maps did. >> apple ceo tim cook says he is extremely sorry for the eight frustration that his act has a cause. they're
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trying to make the best products available for their customers. we will be back
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suzan solomon: the money stays at the school site. cade derry: what i would really like to see is that the teachers... that were laid off come back to the school. navaz hurd: a smaller class size. navaz hurd: as a mom i want that. as a teacher i want that. prop 38 is an opportunity of a generation.
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welcome back of this just an a denver court releases brand new documents and the
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colorado movie shooting. prosecutors say 24 year-old james holmes made threats to a professor at the university of colorado. home spaces 152 charges in the july 20th shooting. 12 people were killed and 58 people were injured. defense attorneys claimed that holmes is mentally ill and he sought the help of the psychiatrist before the shooting. this raises the likelihood that he will claim mental insanity. >> this person is dressed up here with a rocket-propelled grenade at walking through the streets pointing it at vehicles. it is a fake rocket-propelled launcher. it was a local filmmaker named michael turley doing this to test release police response. he used a 16 year-
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old relative to play the part of the terrorist who incredibly was not injured but they are both and a lot of trouble. >> it is 7:27 a.m. and we'll be back in a few minutes here is the golden gate bridge which is not golden right now. it will clear up later on and we are hoping right now. it will clear up later on and we are hoping i'm a native californian. times are tough. our state's going through a tough time. but we can fix it. ♪ chevron's been here in california for 133 years. we work hard. we support 1 in 200 jobs in the state. we support each other. and we spent over $450 million dollars with local small businesses last year. and, together, we can keep this... we're committed. ...the great state of california. committed to california. ♪ to meet the needs of my growing business.
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a beautiful looking view here on this friday morning. we have some pretty thick fog and spots above the bay right now. >> yes we do have widespread cloud cover right now particularly dense fog along the coastline. cooler conditions in the afternoon and we will shave off a couple of degrees. patchy fog in the evening hours. tomorrow we turn a corner and fact we start with a
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warming trend and sunday monday we are close to triple digits. what to expect for the weekend coming up in my next report. >> the volume is building around the bay area, moderate conditions for the east bay. better than usual on 580 and highway 4. light to moderate traffic for freeways like to 85 05 and 1 01. there is a little bit of selling on the peninsula for the 92 and 84 interchanges. the marine drive time is still under 24 minutes from the data to the golden gate bridge. >> 7:31 a.m. organizes of credit cut mass are warning you if you are driving back from the city tonight from san francisco it could be quite the commute for you. a lot of writers are turning out for the 20 anniversary of critical mass. this usually attracts a lot of writers between 10 to 20,000
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riders. the only thing we know for sure is that they're showing up at justin herman plaza are around 6:00. no one knows they just ride in the pack and follow around a leader. in october of 2009 there was some crap clashes because it creates a lot of tension between commuters and the people on the bikes. the police will be out in full force to make sure that everything runs smoothly. a word to the wise you may want to time your commute to avoid this while you if you are leading san francisco. >> a mother abandons her 10 year-old daughter shopping at safeway grocery store. police say the girl was rolling a shopping cart with hundred and $50 for the grocery stores out of the castore last week. the mother went to get the suvs but
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took off when she saw her daughter was being questioned. she is now in her grandmother's custody and the mother is still being looked for. >> there is a rise in evolvincrime involving this electronic devices. someone ripped a backpack off of someone in pacific heights there was a tablet inside the backpack. there were seven reports of victims having their cell phones and other devices stolen. in several cases the victims were beat up and one was knocked unconscious. >> lawmakers are calling for a state hearing to explore government efforts to prevent future fires. information has emerged about the refinery fire that shows that more health protections are needed. a hearing is needed to find if
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additional legislation will improve public safety. >> oakland a's pictures dallas braden spoke out about his city he is proud to say last night. it is his community but he is sorry to say that he feels the police are to blame for the time cry right there. there is a lack of effort for the replaced the apartment to >> they told me that the only way to protect myself was to take my grandmother and move. if they're not shooting or i am shooting at them they will not come. i love this community this community raised me to be what i am today. to be lied to blatantly by the person who is calling the shots around here i cannot do anything i have no one to go to. at the man with a badge can step up and answer the bell who will? it is the wild west and the boys in
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blue are outgunned and they let you know when somebody words that they just can't do it. >> it is the second most violent city in california. on wednesday they reported their 50th homicide of the year. >> a big drop in the dow five straight days of losses. the dow was up over 70 and is now sending at 17,319. here's a look at the bay bridge toll plaza there is a big back appear in to the flawefog and.
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sleep train's inventory clearance sale is ending soon. save 10%, 20%, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. get 2 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. even get free delivery! sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. but hurry, the inventory clearance sale is ending soon. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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new this morning britain's royal family says it is not going to file a complaint to a meet british media watchdog over the infamous nude photos that were taken
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of prince area and las vegas. they were widely circulated on line. a spokesperson for the family says that the prince is far focusing on his role in the broadest army and not his private life. >> the top banks that make it easy to avoid high interest rates. the best bank is best bank at followed by huntington and citizens bank. other banks are on the list and we will have that for you later today at 5. >> is now a legal for colleges in california to demand your password for social media. people are protected from giving up password under this law are employees and job applicants students and prospective students. you do not have to
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give over your key to facebook for them to spy on you. there is at >> you can buy someone a gift on facebook then you can post that get on their time line. the person can unwrap a preview of the gift and if they do not like it they can change its size or flavor. this will increase gradually for people over the united states. >> there was a gathering of techies in menlo park for a good cause. they gathered at facebook headquarters for a competition and the winners will get a hundred thousand dollars. what they're competing for as a prototype and proposal for a web at
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that the contestant things will provide useful college advice. the competition is still november 16th. >> the blue angels live special presided presented by is coming up october 6th at 3:00 p.m. live. amoy is gray and dark here at the golden gate bridge but traffic seems to be moving ok. we will be back hi, i'm amy for downy unstopables
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on the big hot spot on 680 there is an update >> the assembly of the traffic from walnut creek for week getting word from an overturned truck maybe even an ice-cream truck patrick kept on the roadway. 680 north down on the vicinity of stone valley road. it is blocking three of the northbound lanes of backing up traffic coming out of danville on 680 northbound. also creating a visual hazard in the southbound direction and really jamming up this ride. here and you can see traffic heading toward the accident at stone valley road. it is jammed up here it has not come to a complete stop but that is because the southbound lanes are
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technically not affected. if this is what it's doing to the southbound ride imagine how slow it is on 680 northbound. major hot spot here for the ride through the san ramon valley. the only real option here is to take the frontage road san ramon boulevard and that is not much of one and very quickly will become gridlock. the bay bridge has been heavy this morning in the westbound direction not as bad as other days this week but still looking at a 20 minute drive time. perhaps 18 minutes if you're coming from the nimitz freeway. the san mateo commute is still tracking at 11 to 12 minutes. at 7:45 a.m. let's head to the weather center. >> a lot of fog in your camera shots but we are above it as we take a live look outside their mt. tam can this morning. this
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ability there is a cloud cover pretty widespread however it is down just a half a mile and a half moon bay. as well as santa rosa. your temperature is we have not seen much movements still holding onto pretty chilly conditions. upper 40's for about an santa clara santa rosa. as we see where those numbers are expected balance in the afternoon again we will sell off a couple of degrees. the cloud cover will take awhile to clear '70s and '80s in the south bay 82 over los gatos and campbell with an afternoon high of just 80 degrees. we could see a 90 degree on the board with liver and walnut creek. turning our attention to the north bay '70s and the lower 80s as the cloud began to clear. downtown san francisco is still below the average. we
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will continue with dense fog for the next couple of hours into the weekend pretty warm conditions. temperatures as warm we haven't seen since mid june. excess of heat on tap for the weekend this does increase fire danger. at those of you had to the game tonight temperatures will be in the mid-60s. the weekend is flirting with the triple digits and as of right now monday a slated to be the warmest day of the week. >> didn't notice the difference? order restored and now you know the football players can be fat out of each other in perfect harmony >> no griping. >> jim harbaugh said he did not agree with every call but he was happy to have the raffs back. >> i hate to say it but that was the big story. that was
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the number one story in america and now it is gone. >> if anything was brought football to the attention of some people who maybe did not care about it. it just show the beauty of sports. >> the beauty of sports is when the 32 ers called up and said hey clean this up turkey. >> we will see this weekend what happens with the 49 years and how the jets used sanchez and cboe and that service continues. the raiders play the broncos and people are saying they think patent is done. >> you don't have to be a football expert to hear that. his arm now they're saying.... the fans can say
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all they want but the media we are supposed to be a little more grounded and patient. >> that guy was off 17 months! i think he had the got the ground running pretty well. >> he was still throwing rights of the and they almost won the game. >> it's like they are critiquing of the way he's throwing. it looks weak and wally >> most of the people critiquing are sitting down. >> stamford just as quickly as they were up they are down again. we will see with the number as this weekend. this was a tough one. >> most of these guys they
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come and go but he is one of those people that sits there and you go they hope you hope they have a good season. last night washington beat them. >> i did enjoy the one play that was the interception. 64 6 ft. 6 he described and ran our way. >> i need to watch sports you want to go write a bike you want to do something healthy. let's go do some exercises, let's get your heart checked. no! i want to watch sports
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>> love you want to watch a hockey you can't watch hockey right now because the preseason is cancelled. >> i don't like it but seriously here are talking..... >> the national hockey league exhibition season canceled. who cares? it's just a practice game >> it's going to matter when they start losing paychecks with a lockout. the problem with people who are supporting this is a big industry and i felt bad for them. >> i'm not making light of that they are just exhibition games. all these practice games are just awaiting steal money from
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fans. you miss the regular games, and now you're talking. >> i feel like you're back right or your started. they're back to four games behind and it's like all these terrific games never happen. >> they said will find out how much the a's have because they have to go to detroit, the yankees and texas. they won four out of the six and that is not bad. how many games they have left now? six games and i would not bet against the making the playoffs now. the mariners and then they get to play the rangers. all the games will be at home. and my guess i am ready for the a's. if we see more seats filled that is what it comes down to.
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>> i see it coming down to j. r. i just tell him the light of the coliseum's and where are the fans. >> it is going to be a gorgeous weekend and i know there's the ball to watch the would you do something tomorrow? will you pledge tomorrow to get off your butt and do something? >> i play a big turkey on tv but i move around a bit. it's like the older father driving his kids around on the weekend. >> you said it's all in the car you drive >> i am not running but i am going to say get on your mark spitz said go. but then i will go home immediately and set back on the couch. >> i'll be watching for you as i run by. >> that is a pretty good little run.
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>> we will see you is 7:53 a.m. we will be right back
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-what's up? i'm chris. -and i'm erik. both: we're the fruit guys! back in 1998, we had this idea to deliver fresh fruit to offices in downtown san francisco. we built these wooden crates, filled these with fruit in my one-bedroom apartment. the fruit guys has been with bank of america since they first started. we work with them to help them grow and succeed. we're coming up on 50 employees
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and delivering to thousands of companies every week. i would definitely say this is a fruitful business. today, we're forty-seventh out of fifty in per-pupil funding. vo: for years, sacramento politicians have chopped away funds for our schools. now these politicians say unless we send more tax dollars to sacramento, they'll cut education again. here's a new approach. prop thirty-eight sends billions in new education dollars straight to our local schools, and guarantees the politicians can't touch it.
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thirty-eight will restore the education cuts from sacramento. so remember this number. thirty-eight. welcome back tracking a major hot spot in the san ramon valley, three lanes blocked a northbound with traffic backed up through danville towards sound san ramon. no sow files are reported to be affected. a new hot spot in san francisco on the 280 on interstate 280 here in the northbound direction. the left-hand lane is blocked at the 1 01 interchange with trafficked block to daly city. >> will be right back with the kron4 news live and about know where students are going to school with heavy hearts. a classmate
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was killed by an s tv yesterday. a's pitcher dallas braden with harsh words for his home town police force. we'll return in just a few minutes. you disgust me. prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. on a huge selection of clearance mattresses. get 2 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. but hurry, sleep train's inventory clearance sale ends soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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top stories we're following on friday september 28th. a live look at the grant memorial and nevada where aid 12 year old girl was struck and killed by an as tv. >> parents in albany are meeting with school officials after a teacher has been arrested. >> getting ready in san francisco for a major traffic jam as bikers had the streets for the 20th anniversary of critical mass. i am not first weather and traffic for this moment commute.
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>> we are tracking to big problems right now one in san francisco interstate 280 the southern freeway northbound at the 1 01 interchange there is a multicar crash that blocked at least the left-hand lane. it is likely still in the traffic lanes jamming up that ride. expect delays here the drive times have pushed up to about 18 minutes for that short stretch. looking at your right in the east bay there is another hot spot on interstate 680 in the northbound direction. you can see the traffic is jammed up coming out of san ramon northbound and southbound traffic at a standstill here looks like walnut creek camera here. you can see red showing on the sensors meaning it stop and go conditions heading south out of walnut creek as
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well as on the northbound side. we'll have a complete traffic check coming up here is erica pamel we have a lot o >> 52 degrees out the door in san francisco. as we look ahead now there's an extended forecast things will warm up in two weekend. sunday pretty close to the triple digits for the warmest inland areas. i will show you how women's clinic it coming up in just a bit. >> our top story the 12 year-old girl that was struck by and ask you be riding a bike home from school yesterday has died. will tran is live in a lot of this morning where it happened to talk about the latest. >> their roadside remote memorial continues to grow. she was only a couple of yards from home which makes this even sadder. people
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stopping by over the past hour sell five of them leaving flowers. many did not know who she was because she was new but there have been so many that are hurt and heartbroken over this. she was writing westbound on the bottle boulevard where she could see oncoming traffic. here is video of the accident. the driver of the best tv at this point police did not know the cause of the accident. police have ruled out alcohol as well as speeding. we're still waiting to hear the very latest on the investigation it has only been 24 hours. she was taken to a new but nearby hospital and then flown to children's hospital in oakland. doctors decided she could not be saved and was taken off life-support. we went to her school about five minutes
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ago and got reaction from some of the parents. >> they are doing ok, my middle daughter jen and i ... i work where haley and her three brothers go to school there. they came in a week before school started dancing as they are new to the area my daughter and i offered to show hayley around school. she did not know anybody around here. we talked and we hugged last nine and it's a tragedy. it's horrible. >> here is a picture of the 12 year old girl haley rat left. her family just moved to nevada from new mexico a month ago. she wrote on facebook that she did not want to leave new mexico and her friends behind. grief counselors are at the school, we tried to talk to them but they said they're
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just too busy at this time and they had nothing to say to us. we're trying to get reaction from the police department. the driver was not arrested at the scene and he is cooperating with the police department. >> watching the traffic behind you it seems that the cars coming towards you are moving pretty fast. it does seem like they're picking up speed. what is the speed limit? >> the speed limit is 35 mi. per hour. even though it there is a roadside memorial and there is a close-knit community people are aware of what's going on. it is the audubon around here and people are worried about that. they do not know the cause of the ipad accident may be the son was in his eyes. let's hope that at her death will save
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lives in the future. look at that car and look that is only 35 mi. per hour i don't have a radar gun but i know that's faster than 35 mi. per hour. am i can hear them was in by and i know there's a stop sign around there's a they should be a lot slower at that point. there's also no sidewalk as you get to that point. you're supposed to ride your bike with traffic and not towards oncoming traffic. i do not know if that will play a factor but they're looking all different aspects of this crash. >> absolutely the officer that i spoke to work said the school and he says this is a close to them at home because she is dropping off her children. they spoke about it at their house last night and she is supposed to call me right after the drop off their kids. >> thanks a lot in with the
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other siblings going to the elementary school you can be sure a lot of school will have counselors on hand to talk to the kids. the school district has just released a statement saying the counseling will be available for the students and staff and our heartfelt thoughts are with the family. fam >> 28 year-old james is in the jockey was arrested at his home in wednesday. parents and met with the school administrators last night to address their concerns. >> we are reacting with a child's best interests at heart. and reacting as soon as we possibly can. >> i was sick. i know every teacher here and i tried to know every family here and what ever the outcome is when you hear something like this it just sinks to the bottom of your stomach.
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>> superintendents stevenson telling the parents last night that the students have been given vague details as to why the suspect is not work teaching their. the district health coordinator will be there to advise parents and how to discuss the children th situation with r children. >> getting out san francisco could be a problem tonight because of critical mass. this is where the bicycles will be gathering at 6:00 tonight for the 20th anniversary of the critical mass riots. we will have a live report on that and how it will affect the commute coming up. here is a great starts the day here in san francisco we will be back any minute
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welcome back there's an accident on the interstate 280 northbound is no longer blocking the last plane of blocking traffic into daly city. the santhree lanes blocked on the northbound side of what was reported to be an overturned ice cream truck that was leaking fuel onto the roadway. you can see the red showing on the sod coming to walnut creek. stopping the coming back all lake highway 2424.
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>> we have some thick fog here at the golden gate breads and temperatures are cooler than what yesterday. they're a lot of eighties near the end when and we will have more in your forecast coming up. >> the fight against the west nile virus as spreading in brentwood. they are fogging the area. they have not been able to locate all the mosquito breeding areas. they're advising residents to call them if they see standing water or have a mosquito problem. >> will be right back as a kron4 nose continues and coming up we will have more on the team accused of hitting and killing a father and daughter and conquered as he changes his plea. we
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also will talk about whether not the supreme court will take on same-sex marriage we'll be right back after this break. i work at the cable company, and i get to wear a hard hat...
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a question already! my mom says cable can't bundle cell phones all on one bill. nobody does that. mom says at&t does, so... uh...uh... [ female announcer ] call to get our u-verse triple play for $89 a month. now get the same great price for 2 years. get lots of bundle choices. even add wireless voice all on one bill. switch and get a total home dvr included free for life. i bring you... mr. roy, with u-verse tv... you can record up to four shows at once
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on a single dvr and play them back on any tv. ms. jones has u-verse! [ female announcer ] call to get our triple play for $89 a month. and get the same great price for 2 years plus a total home dvr. and u-verse has more hd channels than cable, too. i want at&t. -me, too! -yeah! who wants to talk to a fireman? i do! okay. [ female announcer ] choose the bundle that fits your life. ♪ will come back we have our legal expert here to talk about the news that is going on this week. let's first talk about this concorde car accident where this teenager
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killed two people. because he's a juvenile he will probably only do three years. we were talking about the differential between treating them as an adult. >> the big differences depending on how old you are prosecutors have accused discretion. if a prosecutor you as a juvenile or minor you can only be held till you're 21. prosecutors decided not to try him as an adult if they had he could serve many many years in prison. you have to think behind-the-scenes that most prosecutors actually tried to do the right thing. they look at all the factors hot debate normally be hazed. for the families these cases can be absolutely devastating.
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>> the boy didn't have any insurance so there won't even be any financial retribution for the family. >> the victims of the wife and mother they're saying they just won a bit of justice. she feels like she got it. they're people that say three years of the death of two people, how can that be right? >> they have made some decisions already. they're looking to see if you need a warrant to get blood from someone nab why case.dui case. >> a few years ago the thought that a marriage would be held anywhere in the country was shocking. there is one tracking stock about which was can states
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banned gay marriage? does that violate protection? the federal government refuses to allow states to decide on the issue. if california's say is a gay marriage is ok the federal government will not recognize it. >> @ they pick up the prop a case that they will decide what happens in california >> there are two ways they can go they can take that on and vote on the boat on it behind closed doors. they can also decide not to hear the appeal and that it quietly staying california. >> is it just up to them? >> yes >> 9 men and women behind
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closed doors that never stand in an election. they stay there until they die and they will this and decide the fate of americans basic rights. >> they were dodging the big issue as to whether not nationally there is a constitutional right to marriage. basically what they're not a state chooses to allow gay marriage does the federal government refused to recognize them for their tax benefits and social security and what not. that is a mouthful bay me >> we continue to monitor how spots in the bay area starting first of the ride on interstate 680. and there's an accident in the northbound direction at red deer road that is still blocking three lanes of traffic. sadly there are no alternate routes to get your
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around the problem. is jamming up the southbound route is jamming up to 28 minutes to walnut creek. the northbound tried adding that from san ramon and went back to map out here bed you see how bad it is. i'll switch things up and show you the walnut creek camera. the ride on internet interstate 680 there's only a visual hazard. here's a new problem that is not far away and liver and the westbound direction. we have the recent crash in a westbound direction that may be blocking a couple of lanes said asko road. where they had cleared out at the also not pass there's a risk that things could start backing up again. in san francisco looking at the
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right northbound there is an earlier occurring accident at the 281 01 interchange not cleared from the lanes the traffic is still slow from daly city to the southern freeway leading up to the 1 01 interchange. the bay bridge was brown conditions are improving especially for the 880 approached, it is the best one to the bridge. the san mateo bridge is holding steady at a 12 minute drive time. the golden gate bridge 11 southbound is still an easy commute with a few more cars in the northbound side. >> the fog is really thick at the golden gate bridge and we're seeing compromise conditions at most of our coastal spots. the temperatures are still the upper 40's and the north bay and pretty much '50s for everyone else. the fog will burn off into the afternoon making way for sunny skies. bridgdelays on flights at sfo ae
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now averaging 71 minutes. 41 and about and 52 in oakland with fremont coming in at 56 degrees. well as the fmln signed pretty mild conditions '60s and '70s. we can also see some eighties for the warmest and areas. afternoon highs really the red stays out of our forecast area muni we won't see very much in a way of '90s. '70s and '80s and now north bay with '80s in campbell. livermore is the only spot that will climb to the '90s. concord is at 85 degrees 68 in san leandro. another day of the upper seventies low 80s in the north bay and 67 in san francisco. if they're going to the cal game tomorrow kickoff is at 1:00 p.m..
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centers will start off in the low 80s and it will be a pretty summit sunny game with toasty conditions in memorial stadium. warm conditions turning a corner as we head into the weekend. at sunday's we are almost hitting a triple digits with sunny skies and warm weather's as we start the next work week. >> 8:23 a.m. right now is just an you can see here we are following a fire in san jose. this is new video just an this fire is burning in the 600 block of mulberry lane. we got these files sent to us from a viewer who took the shot from the fire response here. you can see the flames coming from this home that started around 7:00 a.m.. it's been going on an hour so that the firefighters have been working. the fire if we will be back in a moment
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welcome back as we continue to track this may just hot spot in the san ramon valley. at least two planes still blocked jamming up the traffic coming out of san ramon. southbound traffic is bad as well take a look at our live camera. traffic just south of highway 24th and main street. no southbound lanes are blocked but it is still blacblocking up the southbound drive.
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>> the director of the anti muslim film behind the from the start of the uprising in the middle east has been arrested. he was in a federal courtroom yesterday you can see him here. he is the one who produced this film in california that upset the muslim world. this is a preliminary bail hearing on charges that he violated his probation. he was convicted of bank fraud in 2010 as part of the probation he was not allowed to use computers or any devices that have access to the internet without any approval from his probation officer. the movie was called in a sense of muslims and sparked violent protests after being viewed on you tube. >> loss angeles police are investigating the murder of a one-man. they believe john
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a. lewis beat an 81 year old woman to death before falling to his own death. louis fell to his death when he tried to run as he heard police approaching. >> it is a 20 7:00 a.m. and there is developing news and the san jose this morning as crews are fighting a fire there. a first look at justin herman plaza in san francisco where critical mass is going to reach and that critical mass for commuters this evening. we'll have more for for you later.
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>> welcome back we are continuing to monitor hot spots. the san ramon valley with one at least two lanes are blocked. at least three lanes blocked. the 680. with
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emergency vehicles still on the scene. the southbound lane is still easing up a bit. take a look of our camera in walnut creek. still, solid but it is creeping along. it has not come to a complete standstill. through san ramon. interstate 580 at livermore. the commute has been cleared. and that left lane is blocked blocking lanes all the way to the alta mont 580. >> it is still fog the around the bay and as we go for this afternoon. temperatures will be in the sixties and eighties. for tomorrow warm conditions. and as we take a look at the sample for those numbers this afternoon. 80s in antioch and fear farre
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fairfield. with triple digits possible. >> thank you, erica. this massive turnout for a critical mass tonight. it is the 20th anniversary. some are saying between 10,000 bike riders could be turning up. and yuli is at justin herman plaza. >> yes i feel so bad for so many people. there have been perhaps forgetting but then i tell them that it is the 20th anniversary and that means that there are going to be 5000-ton dozen cyclists. you know that traffic is going to be bad. 10,000-cyclists-possible. and nobody knows where it goes. and it all depends on who is leading the pack. they could go through embarcadero. you just don't
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know. really, to put this out because some people realize that this was happening and it is the 20th anniversary. it is going to be a big traffic jam. and if you are a bicyclist? get your helmet. >> people forget that it is the last friday but this is going to be especially big. >> police in morgan hill looking for a mother that abandoned her 10 year-old daughter. after shoplifting at a safeway grocery store. take a look. 38 year-old marcie klein. police say that she, and her mother loaded of the grocery store cart and she went to go get her s u v. and police spotted the daughter and the mother. when there were being questioned the mother drove off. the daughter is
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now in the custody of the grandmother. >> the massive fire at the richmond refinery. the want a state hearing to explore government efforts. the berkeley assemblywoman says that the merge refinery fire showing that more public health protection is needed. this hearing is needed for additional legislation. to improve public self take safety. >> the police on attack after this high crime rate in stockton. a lack of effort from this oakland a's player. >> the only thing they could say was to take my grandmother, and they told me that unless i am shooting or they are shooting they do not,. and i fought for this community. i love this community. it raised me to where i am today. and to get
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blatantly lied to. i cannot do anything i have nobody to go to. if the guy in the badge cannot step up? who is. to arm yourself or get out. and the boys in blue will let you know. that they cannot do it. >> stockton is the largest country the most violent since the city and the 50th, side of the year. and he threw a perfect game and 2010. >> apple cok the ceo-- apologizing. about the operating system glitch. before this, google maps were on your operating system. they have been complaining that some of the apple maps had been incomplete. or is not on target. the engineers are
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continuing to work on these issues and they suggest that the use an alternate. like map quest. like going back to google. even though you have to do a round about. you can add that to your home screened. we will be back. as the kron 4 morning news continues. coming up. what the best are the best banks. and a live look over san francisco. that fog is part of that hot weather. 53 degrees. and upper 60s. perhaps cooler.
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talking u.s. bank. and huntington bank. and first citizens bank. and these top five banks according to
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money magazine. and this other list is showing this survey. colleges. from pay scale. the observer of over 1 million people. 10 years out of college. with one on the list is princeton, university. the graduates that were 10 years out is the mid-career. with $100,000 in take a look at this 135,000. and the u.s. naval academy is fourth. and the u.s. naval academy is fifth. graduates that are no longer in service. one of the bay area schools and stanford university the average salary 10 years out = 140,000. pam i was going to say after perhaps their student loans of up $114,000. >> this competition at menlo park for the facebook
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headquarters is the spot. this is sponsored by the bill and melinda gates foundation. they get a prototype proposal and a cash prize. what they think what web application would be advisable and usable for college information. >> let us take a live look at the numbers with the dow jones it is off. down by 90 points at 13,000. >> a quick break. and an important note. with tablet numbers. and this live look at walnut creek. the 680 southbound. one of the big hot spots.
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>> welcome back. there are problems. >> yes. the direction of for this accident occurred. this report of for this was an ice cream truck spilling fluid. this was actually fuel. they opened to of those three lanes that are blocked. that will help with the northbound ride. and it is reaching all the way in to san ramon. not all the way to la costa but you could not pay me to get onto the freeway. the only decent news with the additional northbound lanes is that the backup is diminishing. even though the planes were not locked it was stopped all the way too high or 24. as we take a look a live camera. all the way 2- highway no. 24. that backup is not even all the way to main street. better conditions. and otherwise, the commute to the bay
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bridge is decent. the end of the backup looking from the toll plaza and also the 880. for the san mateo, we are waiting with anticipation to see if these commute times are going to increase for know, a 11-12 times. and right now, we are seeing and ths definitely the case as those northbound lanes are crowded. southbound, moving smoothly. >> good morning. it is friday. as we take a look outside. temperatures are in the 50s. 50s and downtown of san francisco. and because of poor visibility we are seeing delays on arrivals at s f o. 71 minutes. certainly, check with your carrier. and for the afternoon highs. 60s for the heart of the bay. and some
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of the warmer areas the south-bay and portions of the east bayshore will warm up to mild territory. that orange is indicating 80s. we will cool things down into the sixties into the 50s. the afternoon highs is a few degrees. with sunshine for this afternoon. but it is going to take a bit longer. the south-bay, with comfortable. on tap with 74 degrees in fremont. and 90 degrees in livermore. 87 degrees in walnut creek. and union city and a mixture of 70's/80s for 67 degrees in downtown san francisco and later tonight the oakland a's face off against the mariners. we will anticipate temperatures in the mid '60s. with that,
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the increase in cloud coverage expecting the wind at 14 m.p.h. but let us walk through the seven day are run the bay. as we go towards the weekend for and with triple digits. and some of these forecast models the warmest weather we've seen for quite some time. we have not been in the '90s since late june. we are continuing until sunshine with dense fog. as we go towards tuesday and wednesday. >> $40 million. paying for the first stage of modernization. this will help with advanced signaling system 4 raintrains. the growing demand for its daily service updating the caltrain system. >> san francisco police are becoming more concerned of a
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rise in violent crime with cellphones and other electronics. there was a high-speed chase that left several injuries. and that chase was after a robbery in a pacific heights. he ripped a backpack off of a woman. and this tablet. there were seven other reports of people getting their cellphone and other devices, stolen. and in several cases they beat the victim's. one victim was on conscience. >> presidential conduct i candid that actually, roseanne barr. she spoke last night in oakland. yes, she is running for president. >> it was a packed house at the university and ever but it was gathered for a town hall style meeting. the star of the show was roseanne barr. the 90's television
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star is running for president edgar made speaking point is legalization of marijuana >> and edition be totally free. we should be able to smoke and from what ever we choose as free tax paying adult citizens and people that even do not pay taxes. if we are indeed a free country we should not be going to prison for a joint. >> roseanne is an admitte polks smoker hurting hearing-about the campus club ratings canvaon canv--on marijuana toward president obama send federal troops and at the very same week that the severity quality was a state right. >> he decided she decided to write because she is fed up with the two-party system.
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>> let us build our own party. that is not owned by bankers. that is speaking to this vision and cooperation of the country and participation. >> roseanne has an anti-war running mate. jeff bush, kron 4. >> governor jerry brown has of verizon construction of a statue. former president ronald reagan. has it- authorized-construction. with his leadership and courage meant. and he has acknowledged that the president saw necessary height syntaxes just like governor brown. height-in taxes. this will be built with private funds. we will be back as this program reminder. he blue angels on
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kron 4. presented by jeep. [ male announcer ] jay likes it when his mobile phone helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney,
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dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up -- the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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>> new orleans so the greatest decline. with 35,000. 2000-2010. with hurricane katrina. they believe that this is caused for people wanting to live closer to their jobs. >> this dear trapped in a manhole and davis county, utah. take a look. they had no idea but they saved him. and told him up like that. that phone was not hurt. and struggling. and that- faw n.. was not hurt. britain's royal family is not going to file a complaint. over those infamous nude photos. this
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photograph was only published in one of the newspapers. you saw that that it was everywhere. and they were hoping that they would just let it go away. with his role in afghanistan. >> kate middleton. >> we will be back as the kron 4 morning news continues. this two-alarm fire continues. and students going to class with heavy hearts. a classmate hurt and killed. and a critical mass cyclists, gatherings. the kron 4 morning news continues.
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fan (male announer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news.
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>> good morning in the top stories that we are following. developing news out of san jose. new pictures of a fire. the firefighters are on the scene we will have a live report. also, the growing moral and novado growing- memorial. that girl was struck and killed by an suv. however, fog first before that warm up. as we are continuing to track a major hot spot. 680, this one hour delay through the san ramon valley. it is backed up all the way to help costa. that is north of the 680 interchange. i cannot think that i've seen anything like this of this magnitude on the 680 northbound it is a non-commute direction. still, there are two lanes blocked. and the indication that there could be at
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least 40-60 minutes before the marketing we opened. even be longer than that. before that is-reopen to. >> janu
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>> it is really a-it is a growing memorial. parents, students. they have been coming through with this scene and it is a growing memorial. dropping off teddy bears. here is the scene. according to the novado police apartment b department. 0 p.m., that she was struck by a white s u v that was driving east bound. she was taken to local hospital. and eventually air lifted to oakland hospital and pronounced dead. the driver of the s u v has been fully cooperative. he was at the scene and spoke with investigators the entire time. no charges. as we speak. they are holding a
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press conference updating information. and here is a picture of the 12 year-old. she was struck. haley radcliffe. she has only been in the area for a couple of weeks moving from new mexico. she was a seventh grade student. today, we were there clear there are grief counselors on site for anybody that needs to speak. a very tragic scene. many people are showing genuine grief. not only for the girl but also for the driver. and at some point we will see what cost that accident. >> have they thought about anything with speed? because have you seen people speeding? >> i have to be honest. and i have been in this area. a
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and there is a bike path. on his left side. you can see the cars that they are going a bit fast. they are going out of unincorporated sections of town and they pick up speed. coming from out of town, into town. the speeds are high. and basically, i can see that this is right near the high school at 3:00 p.m. we are hoping of speed was not a factor. as i mentioned, we're going to find out more from the investigation. >> i just saw that guy on the bicycle and he is going with traffic but this girl was going against traffic. >> yes. path on the left-hand side. once you get beyond that. there is no shoulder. and it is a bike path. that is parallel. with about 2
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mi.. so, there is a bike path. presumably, you'd be safe on the bike path. >> i can see what you are saying. and also, where she has died and where the siblings of gone to an elementary. >> yes it has touched the community. she has three younger brothers. and it is about 1 mi. away. and also, dario that this happened right best this high school was letting out. they were standing out here when this happened. it has touched the middle school, the elementary school. >> absolute, people are struggling, thank you,. >> and also, this middle school is expected of having an improper relationship. james izumikazi
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>> we are reacting with a child's best interest at heart. we are acting as soon as we can. i was seick whatever the outcome is when you hear something like this. it just is sinking to the bottom of your stomach. >> they told last night that the students were only provided a vague details. there will be more meetings tonight and the mental health coordinator will be there to advise students teachers. >> brand new documents are released from the colorado deadly shooting is the defense has a psychiatrist expert on its teeming. they plan to use him. and on its--teen. to use an insanity plea for james holmes. he faces 152
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accounts at the aurora will be theater in colorado that killed 12 people. he is facing 152 counts. >> watching the dow jones. with the dell ad a 13,000 425 - 13425 and bank of america is going to pay nearly $2.5 million related to its acquisition of merrill lynch. this was on behalf of investors when the company announced that it was purchasing merrill lynch. bank of america had misleading and false statements from both companies. bank of america denies those allegations but it is easier to settle. >> 9:07 we will be back and let us take a live look outside. and it shows a big area of clouds but look at that sunshine.
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o n interstate 680 northbound. take a look this was at this area because of an overturned accident. that crash has just been cleared. all lanes open but i think that it is too little too late. there are additional problems on interstate 680
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northbound. and there is an accident that is blocking the to the flames. at crow canyon road. all the way to the dublin interchange. with a one hour delay. the 680 northbound. >> the west nile virus fight is taking center stage. it is trying to stay ahead of the virus by fogging the area. it has been fought for several times but they have not been able to locate these breeding grounds. the contra costa health advisories are saying that if you see standing water? call them. >> decision 2012. with three different battleground states that obama has the lead. the nbc wall street journal poll saying that there were seven points ahead with 53-44. and in north carolina. with a two- point lead. 49-47%. and in
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north carolina at least two- 3% were not decided. however, they felt strongly about who they supported. and he also had victory in all of these states and the year 2008. go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates. digital 4.2 we will be back let us get a live look at walnut creek. you can see that traffic is a priest. but information on a hot spot, coming up traffic is a breeze in other areas
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>> welcome back. with one hour delays in the northbound direction. that is not the commute direction. however, if you are traveling in that direction? it could be an issue. first, there was that over turned vehicle. just recently, those two lanes were cleared in the northbound. and traffic is backed up in san ramon. in the midst of this backup, look at this multi-crash. near bollinger canyon. it is jammed up. dublin. on the 680 northbound. to not even think about using this. and
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there is not much to get around this. perhaps using dougherty. and that is only good if you know that area. and you are still going to have to reconnect. it is going to be jammed. also at the bay bridge toll plaza. the recent crash at the incline section it has slowed in the alliance. jamming this area which is been completely cleared out. first on the 580 westbound. the drive time is 12 minutes. a 18-22 minutes for the bay bridge. for the san mateo, this issue is when things are getting backed up. and 11 minutes westbound. for the golden gate it is also been quiet. with fog and delays for the southbound. typical for a
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friday. the we are waking up to more, dense fog. this is over the city. it is going to be pretty hot. with a warm start. and cooling. taking a look at fog tracker 4. still hugging the coast. still hover, along the san mateo coast we are still going to see some issues. and more widespread, overnight. temperatures in the 50s. mid-50s through san jose. and low as we go for this afternoon. low 80s for the most part. santa clara. san jose, and mid-70s in redwood city. with nine these for
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the livermore valley. antioch. walnut creek. and 60s for the east bay shore. would 67 degrees in downtown. just a bit cooler the mixture of 70's. as we take a look your kron 4 7 day around the bay 70's along the coast. >> thank you. and this minneapolis workplace turned deadly. he had been fired earlier that day. this shooting happened and for other people were wounded, a critically. one of the person that was killed was the owner of the business and he turned the gun, on
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himself. and possible developments in the ministry a disappearance of teamster, jimmy hoffa. this is a driveway in suburban detroit. officers received a tip that a body could of been. in that a run the same time to be hoffa went missing. they will take samples to see if his remains will match. >> this massive marijuana bust and the sonoma county. they have served search warrants and they were allowed to get into several homes. this is where the police found these evidence near moreland ave. 50 people arrested and charged with possession, cultivation. with 1200 marijuana plants. 15,000 lbs.. $2.5 million estimated
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value this is a high crime the view. 9:20. on this friday morning. this live look at van ness. certainly, it is gray but we are and for a warm up. the city but is going to be resting roasting hot dan hurd: when i was a child, california was a leader in education funding.
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erika derry: and the fact that california isn't making it a priority frustrates me. dan hurd: i'm ashamed of that, and i don't want this to continue for my daughter. brenda kealing: prop 38 is going to bring a lot of money to our schools. suzan solomon: the money stays at the school site. cade derry: what i would really like to see is that the teachers... that were laid off come back to the school. navaz hurd: a smaller class size.
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navaz hurd: as a mom i want that. as a teacher i want that. prop 38 is an opportunity of a generation. >> welcome back we are talking with joe biden. let us listen and. >> my view of retirement security. and terms of not just retirement. but i view it in terms of the entire family. where i come from,
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what happens is that this is profound. i do not know a child worth their salt that would not sacrifice their own a standard of living to preserve their mother, parents and dignity. >> really focusing his comments on the elderly crowd of retired people that lived in boca raton, florida. and this is after the is real leader driving a red line in the sand. with joe biden and traveling to the heart of south florida. this active jewish community. he is trying to get the vote. for the democratic ticket. >> apple c e s two. apologizing. with the new apple maps programs. the new
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software upgrade. with the ios 6 however they are complaining. they were incomplete. the engineers will continue to work and fix the problems. they produce alternatives. it was the hottest social network. >> this is new space. >> 81 from hot property too hot mess. >> my space it is like a high-school party that college people show up.
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however, justin timberlake of the new site with music being the main theme. >> one of the reasons they did not like the old my space is that it was cluttered. is looked horrible. and this looks as good as anything you'll find, today. at the peak it at 100 million users. facebook is 1 billion. however, others like google have found it difficult to challenge. the goal of the new of my space is not to be another facebook. finding a niche could be the key. >> this is not even attempted which is why my space could be a success. >> 9:27. that hot spot?
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>> we are looking at major delays. through the san ramon valley. delays of one hour. that could be improving i will update it went the kron hi, i'm amy for downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters, here with my favorite new intern, jimmy. mmm! fresh! and it's been in the closet for 12 weeks! unbelievable! unstopables! i'll show you how! ♪ just shake them into the washer i can't believe this lasts 12 weeks! neither can they. so you're going on tour to prove it.
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downy unstopables. follow jimmy's unstopables tour for free samples on
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station, this is the kron 4 news. welcome back. we have seen that this dublin interchange was backed up all lanes are no real good. traffic is starting to recover. temperatures are
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slow to warm. 56 degrees. 57 in santa rosa. forecast. >> that child has died that was struck by that s u v. there are grief counselors. is on the 1.5 mi. from where she ultimately died. this
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tragedy is that she was riding in the opposite direction. she was very close to home. we spoke to the driver. and it seems like he is cooperating. police have spoken with him, thoroughly. and here is what the police said that happened during this investigation >> whenever there is significant injury or death is part of our investigation to take a blood or breath sample and all of our investigative steps were completed. there is no
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initial indication and no indication that there was impairment involved. he is an adult male. he is not from the area. however he is in the area and assisting with this investigation. very cooperative. >> was the a loan or did the of a passenger? >> the driver was alone. >> this is a picture of haley radliff she did not want to leave new mexico. they are looking at all of the information. it does not appear. you can see that if it turns out that he was speeding with the possible charges? they do not want to
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speculate. they are working on it and they should have something more concrete for more information on the investigation. , she said that we advised people to go along with the flow of traffic. she did not flat out say that it is illegal or we are discouraging people to ride against traffic but that is exactly what happened. you can see where that car made that term. she would have to go to make that turn that as how close she was. when investigators arrived they found her body in the middle of the roadway. we do not know if she was crossing or what happened. that is why the sergeant does not want
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to speculate until the investigators come back with a full disclosure of what happened. >> san francisco there is a warning of a big turn out. for tonight's 20th anniversary of this critical mass. however, this is the 20th anniversaries of their is a big reporteand a big-turnot expected. >> yes. it is going to be a big turn out. with at least 10 times that they usually get on a friday night. anywhere between 5000-10 just after 6:00 p.m. is one they are going to take over the streets. even 10,000 bikes, expected. the police are going to try to help with traffic. and try to
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make sure that things will stay civil between drivers and cyclists. to make the problem worse is that they do not know what we're out they will take. will all depend on the leader of the pack and with the want to go. that is where this will follow. and we do not know if it is going to be market street, or the embarcadero. your best bet is to try to get out by 5:30. one way or another the record to cross in front of you. and this portions of the financial district. let me point out that it is not just a possible traffic headache. also, with this is to highlight the bicycle safety. trying to get more people out of their cars and since its month ince there has been several using their bicycles since its- inception. many more pipelines because of the
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critical mass movement. it could be a headache with the bike lanes however, formation because of this movement >> thank you. >> in the wake of the massive fire. they are calling for a state hearing. nancy skinner says that the fire is showing that more health protection is needed. they should have a hearing if additional legislation would be required. from 9:37 will be san jose. checkt conditions with fog and we are looking at a missed. it could be a big warm-up, tomorrow. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home
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>> take a look at this seismograph. at 9:2. the usgs saying that there was a 2.7 earthquake. with many people saying that they heard that and felt that in the berkeley area. the two. tree, and a 2.7. we continue to see that it is a 2.3. and at least 300 people felt that. >> presidential candidate and it is not president obama. and it was not mitt romney. it was roseanne barr. yes, that is right. she is at a peace and freedom and she spoke in oakland. she was motivated
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because of the campnnabuis ready is from president obama. and i was very motivated because he was going back on his word. [ woman ] ring. ring.
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progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am? [ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store. >> welcome back. they found stones suggesting that there was water present on the water's surface. below book represents the science team is that this is a rock that was formed in the presence of water. we can
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characterize that with a vigorous flow of the surface of mars. >> scientists say that the stones are too large with out the presence of water. and their belief that there could be a water flow. >> we are looking at a much slower than usual drive. what would be considered the non-commute direction. and what might have otherwise been only 20 minutes is still 51 minutes. northbound through the san ramon valley. again, this is northbound from the san ramon, a dublin towards walnut creek. there have been too different accidents the north the first and worst is here if rockier road. and it has been nearly one hour. and both of these are clear we are left with this residuals life. a quick
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check of the bridges. that late accident at the base of the inclined. that backed up traffic all the way to the mes. however, he conceived of backup into this and toug this was not a hot spot as it has been for several days. with conditions of light and easy and at the golden gate you work or to see traffic is moving smoothly. and typical for a friday, there is more flow foes could likely be laughing and quick check from the traffic checks. critical mass tonight at 6:00 p.m. it is the 20th anniversary of expected that there are going to be many other times of bicycles. and the likely disruption of san
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francisco city streets. this scheduled start time is 6:00 p.m. from justin herman plaza. or they go from there is anybody's business forecasts? >> we ar dealing with that morning fog. and that sunshine. a big warm up. high temperatures are five, 10 degrees warmer. and a cool down by mid-week. let us take a look at work temperatures are right now. with 50s and 60s. as that fog burns off we are going to continue with 70's philip by noon. and '80s for the afternoon. with 70's, 80's and for those headed out. temperatures are going to cool off with 50s. and these numbers will show numbers of the self a with low 80s to los gatos. 70's
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to and redwood city, and palo alto 76 degrees expected with the livermore valley getting to 90 degrees and it is going to be pretty hot. fairfield, pittsburgh. and if and san leandro 70's expected and union city. 67 degrees and towards the north bay a mixture of upper 70's and low 80s. 80s to santa rosa. and snap-on as we take a look at your kron 47 day your kron 4 7 day around the bay it is really going to warm up. with upper 90s by sunday 70's along the coast now, here is stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. >> you are looking at landscaping debris dumped on how we 1 0 1. but it is not just one pile. look at this
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this is a third avenue exit with there are at least 35 separate piles. but there are at least 13 separate locations just like this throughout the san mateo county, alone. this has been hit hard. with highway no. 1, and at the scenic highway 280. >> this is and illegal pile of dirt but this is a little pile of mulch by caltran. and it is not just illegally piled dirt, mud is dirt, and would --even the potential of diseased wood. this is $3,000 per parcel. depending on which county. taxpayers could be hit with a clean up a bill that could
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be totaling millions, a state-wide. the c h p believes that this is return the cover of darkness but it has gotten so bad that it could be occurring during the day. california highway patrol says that this form of illegal dumping has been increasing in san mateo county. they're asking for your help. the we are asking for them to call 911. if you think that this is all the landscaping debris? outside of the fact that it is illegal. that could spread and kill more trees. the last time that somebody was dumping they were looked at and hit with that the entire bill. >> if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, you can email us at m com and a programming note. to watch the blue angels during fleet week, tune into kron 4. a quick break waiting for
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that fog to clear.
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dallas braden is speaking against the police he is a native of stockton. he attended a community meeting against the high crime rate with a lack of effort from the police for prevention. >> they told me the only level of a device and protection i could take is to take my grandmother and mold. if they are shooting and if i amoting they do not come. i love this community. they raced me to where i am today. and to
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blatantly. the-breeze to me. and i have nobody to go. they raised... this is the live of west the boys in blue are outgunned. this is just like the wild west days. >> stock and became the largest filed for citie file for bankruptcy. and it is the second most violent the 50 most violent. the second-most violent with 50 homicides. he pitched eight no-hitter at 2010. >> this robbery ended with a collision with other people
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getting cellphone and electronic devices stolen. in this case, it was a backpack and in one case this person was knocked unconscious. there would this last trading day with a pretty strong gains with the dow jones increasing in the s and p also up. with this last trading day of the third quarter. and more people are moving downtown. with just 2 mi. of city hall. they say that 60 million people are living with in downtown. that is a 10% increase. chicago saw the new increase. new orleans saw the biggest decrease. >> dr. phyllis coming up. and critical mass, a doctor- phyllis coming up. .. dr. fel fe
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>> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." their teen is a nightmare. >> what kind of respect is that? >> but it's mom and dad -- >> dr. phil: you spit in her face? >> announcer: who need a wake-up call. >> dr. phil: she beat you and you're telling me you're doing the right thing? >> you're destiny. >> dr. phil: if you're such good parents, why is this in such a bad spot? >> calm down. >> tiffani needs help. >> dr. phil: it's this family that needs help. >> let's do it! >> if we're going to do something that matters, we have to deal with the truth. >> have a


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